Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

74: How to Plan, Write, and Self-Publish Your First Book



Pamela Wilson is the Founder of Big Brand System and author of the Master Content book series. Pamela and I spoke on this podcast several years ago when she was publishing her first book, Master Content Marketing: A Simple Strategy to Cure the Blank Page Blues and Attract a Profitable Audience. She later followed that book with another one, Master Content Strategy: How to Maximize Your Reach and Boost Your Bottom Line Every Time You Hit Publish.  Both have been top-rated, bestselling books on Amazon. Today, she helps mid-career professionals build successful online businesses with her Offer Accelerator program. You can find out more about Pamela on her website at www.bigbrandsystem.com. In this Writing Masterclass for Write With Impact Academy, I spoke with Pamela about how she writes and self-publishes books. She shares her writing process, from outlining, to thinking through the content of each chapter before writing it, to the power of deadlines. To watch a video of our interview just head over to my learn