New-trition Prescription

The Importance of Taking Action



In my interview with Terry Sobon, founder of The Badass Life & Business Academy, she provides clarity on why it's important to take action immediately in order to be successful in any aspect of your life. Terry's varied life experiences have helped her develop her coaching style where she guides her clients through powerful visualizations in order to develop their desired end results.  Terry teaches her client to take bold action in her Badass Life Academy. In the Fearless Life Masterclasses, she presents expert entrepreneurs to help you leave your mark in life and business. In this interview, you will learn: How taking action creates momentum, confidence, and success How you do anything is how we do everything Why it's important to call in our vision The importance of identifying our blocks and busting through them "Going down the rabbit hole" exercise to clarify your vision And so much more! Terry and I had such a good time recording this podcast. I hope you get some great nuggets of information and e