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Podcast: Freedom From Pain



An Interview with Shasta Lavigne I had the pleasure of interviewing Shasta Lavigne, a Holistic Health Practitioner who has been a licensed massage therapist for over 19 years. She brings her specialty of integrated bodywork to support her clients in a mind-body connection. Her mission is to help people eliminate pain, optimize mobility through movement, and support the health and well-being of her clients. Shasta is hosting her first annual virtual pain summit called The Freedom From Pain Masterclass, helping bring global experts' knowledge and wisdom to all who have chronic pain. By providing this variety of tools, her goal is to help people break free from chronic pain and take back their active lifestyles. The summit explores a variety of modalities that support restoring health from these painful conditions, for which I coined the term "Autoimmune Spectrum" - all that all result from having a leaky gut - a compromised digestive system that has intestinal permeability, allowing food particles and toxins to