New-trition Prescription

Overcoming Workday Overwhelm



Today's special guest is one of my favorite instructors, Mary Ann Kmetyk. As the founder of Vibrant Training Group, Mary Ann has developed a dedicated team of training professionals that help individuals achieve their best. She also equips leaders to bring out the best in those that lead. Mary Ann delivers practical training for immediate application in the work environment to help individuals and teams. And in this podcast, the same concepts are applied to create an atmosphere of wellness in all aspects of life. In this episode, Mary Ann will explain how to: Prioritize you tasks into appropriate "buckets" with predefined criteria Manage the expectations of others Master email - which for me, has been the most valuable aspect of her training "You can do anything you want, you just can't do everything." NEW-TRITION PRESCRIPTION Podcast" Mary Ann refers to these books as references for her training: Crazy Busy by Edward M. Hallowell M.D. Master Your Workday Now! by Michael Linenberger Total Workday Control U