New-trition Prescription

The Importance of Trusting Ourselves



Accepting ourselves is the first step in trusting that we can make the right decisions - and make them quickly, without hesitation. My guest, Karen Seltz, a certified Life Coach and Brain Gym Consultant, challenged herself to make the transition from victim to hero of her own story by reframing the way she thought about herself and her life. It is her mission to create a world in which in which every woman knows her worth and her purpose, committing to showing up authentically and unapologetically - to play full out. Karen supports spiritual women who know they have a higher calling in stepping out of their comfort zones with courage and power to create the lives of their dreams. Karen fearlessly shares her darkest moments of depression, addiction, and spiritual confusion with openness and vulnerability.  She connects with each client in a profound and insightful way to allow her to acknowledge the reason she is here, live her purpose, and make meaningful contributions and connections by sharing her unique st