Pastor John Farley - Lighthouse Bible Church Podcast

Judge with righteous judgment



John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, October 10, 2021 Judge with righteous judgment Joh 7:16-24 Verse 17 states a general principle. Starting in verse 19, Jesus makes a specific application to His audience. Joh 5:45-47 Joh 7:19 Exhibit 1: they sought to murder an innocent Man - Jesus. Joh 5:5-18 They accused Him of being a law breaker, yet they actually broke the law themselves. Joh 7:20-24 This one deed was healing the man who had been paralyzed for 38 years. They were astonished, but they reacted very unfavorably. The Lord established a covenant with Abraham, the first Hebrew. Circumcision became the sign of this covenant. Gen 17:6-12 Later on, when the LORD gave the Law to Moses, He included circumcision. Lev 12:1-3 The male child had to be circumcised on the... for full notes: