Unity Church-unitarian's Sermon Podcasts

Work That Is Real: 5/6/2007 by Rev. Dottie Matthews



Work That is Real by Rev. Dottie Mathews, Fox Valley UU Fellowship of Appleton, Wisc. The title for this sermon comes from the Marge Piercy poem "To Be of Use." Explore the dynamics between finding coherence in our inner life and how we then take that coherence (or sense of meaning) out into the rest of our lives, our work, our home, and our relationships. Dottie Mathews is the Assistant Minister at the Fox Valley UU Fellowship. In middle-life, after a successful business career, Dottie answered a call to the ministry. She graduated from United Theological Seminary in May 2006 and was ordained in Appleton six months later. Dottie's internship at Unity Church is one aspect of her learning process for which she is particularly grateful. She is delighted for this opportunity to return to greet old friends and new.