Gape Into The Void

Gape Into The Void Episode 8 - Tim Ferriss



Gape Into The Void Episode 8 With Tim Ferriss Show notes: We had the chance to catch up with the amazing Tim Ferriss.  Tim is a fascinating, inspiring guy, and our interview with him is full of great quotes and memorable Ferriss-isms... Listen carefully and enjoy! Tim is the master of many things, but mostly he's figured out how to successfully Hack Life (hence the image above.)  Here are links to some of things touched on in the show...  Enjoy! 4-Hour Workweek 4-Hour Body 4-Hour Chef Book boycott? Amazon Publishing Bittorrent Partnership Tim's Book Trailer Video Director Adam Patch  Zen And The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Josh Waitzkin  - Searching for Bobby Fischer Mastery Jiro Dreams of Sushi Marcus Aurelius Seneca 2.0 Gary Vaynerchuk on the show Lift App Herd by Mark Earls Thanks again for lis­te­ning.  If you are enjo­ying Gape Into The Void, please tell your friends and leave us a review on iTu­nes.  If you have any ques­tions or topics you want us to cover on the sho