Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count Episode 126



First off, I apologize for how late this was. The episode was recorded in late October, but I got hit with a lot of serious professional and personal problems that stalled me on getting this out. I'm grateful for our wonderful audience and my co-host Jake's patience with me as I worked through those issues (I'm fine now, don't worry). We still plan to release a November episode this month, so keep an eye out for that.  Introduction – Jake talks about Florida Woman and being the lord of manga and I talk about how my degenerate gambling has finally paid off. [28:30] News – Punisher superfan Ivo Santos is going to be in a comic, and a new Punisher fan film is out! We also get some cool side stories on an ultimate haggler and the Punisher gun funded by the military. [58:45] Mail Call – Blackstone asks us about the podcast's holiday plans. [1:05:00] Bullet Points – Good comics this time around: Punisher Kill Krew #1-3, Gather the war goats and put on some Skynyrd, because we're killin' giants. Punisher #