Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode 131



I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the delay and the anime talk. Just skip to flashbacks if you need to. No one will blame you. Introduction – Jake and I discuss how we've adapted to the summer 2020 Hellscape and how I started a beef with a west coast rapper. [25:35] News – We discuss the comics market slowly revving up again. [31:05] Mail Call– Some mail inspires us to potentially create a new segment. [38:10] Bullet Points – We continue reading Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #4 and Ravencroft #3 because Frank is a guest star in it for some reason. [1:12:05] Flashbacks – Jake and I talk about the seminal MAX arc The Slavers, a seminal MAX arc covering issues #25-30. I'm really proud of the discussion Jake and I had here. [1:147:10] Discharge Papers – Jake recommends the book Mistress T and Beastars, and I talk about a play you were probably forced to read in high school. Send us your Punisher questions or comments at punisherbodycount@gmail.com or call in at (347) 878-6474.