Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

#154 A Letter to Croatia- What I loved and What Annoyed Me. MOTM Adventures.



Dear Croatia... I have a lot to say to you, and I hope I summed it up in this episode. I needed to collect my thoughts, to gather up my senses. I also needed some time to completely fall apart when I got home from this month long odyssey. Reintroduction is always hard. In this episode I talk about reasons that I both completely love, and reasons why I am completely annoyed with Croatia. I hope you find each of them useful, or at the very least somewhat amusing. It might even convince you to book your next trip there. To the 24 guests that joined me for my first ever yoga sailing retreat- Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't wait to reveal the next dates for the trip on this episode. If you are thinking about signing up, please remember I have a no diva- King or Queen Policy :) These trips are meant to be relaxed, insightful, healing, fulfilling and respectful of all that join. I had that on this first experience and hope to have it that way every year to come. I will be posting also A Letter to