Sales Lead Management Association Radio

Guess what - your prospect doesn‘t care about you.



So agencies keep creating awareness and awareness and awareness. It's not helping. Our guest, Sean Doyle's firm helps companies with what has become like breathing and very obvious to some, but not too many companies. The way FitzMartin is better is the application of science. Understanding that this prospect list didn't need more awareness. They needed a reason to consider taking that step to plan. He tells a story about a firm they were helping. They needed to understand why should I maybe contemplate yet one more banker at my door? Why should I do that? So we created the whole campaign around that. They changed the voice, the group that did the, testing. They had this brilliant IP, but they kept talking about themselves. Well, guess what? Your prospect doesn't care about you. So the ad that worked so much that got that $800,000 deal, all it said is, do you want to reduce your workman's comp costs? It actually had nothing to the product has nothing to do with workman's comp the outcome of using the produc