Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 266: Threesomes, men having boundaries, & becoming a sex educator



Your pleasure matters. Join the July cohort of  my 5-week online Power in Pleasure course. Check out details and enroll at My chat with Sinclair Sexsmith and rife got postposed, so this week's episode is just me and you. First up, I share about three new articles/resources that came across my feed this week. Head to for all of the links mentioned in the episode. Then, we dive into two important questions from listeners just like you. Peter is a cis man who is a virgin. He has been listening to older episodes of the show and was confused by a conversation I had with a Dirty Lola in response to a cis woman who was a virgin asking about boundaries. Peter feels he shouldn't have boundaries if he ever meets someone who is willing to have sex with him in order to actually, well, have sex. Should he have boundaries or not? I offer feedback all about the importance of boundaries not only for our own pleasure but as a way to build trust with potential partners and