Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 267: A boyfriend who won't initiate, missing out on sex, & becoming a sex educator



FULL TRANSCRIPT AT Your pleasure matters. Join the July cohort of  my 5-week online Power in Pleasure course. Check out details and enroll at Welcome to this week's episode, full of your questions and some thoughts and questions I have in response. First up, a few years ago, Jasmine Kyon wrote an essay about why coming out is not the best option as the child of an immigrant family and how often the coming out narrative is white-centric and cis-centric. It's beautiful and important. Check it out here. Then, several of your awesome questions. Brooke struggled with wanting sex as she grappled with disordered eating, but now she's feeling more herself and she wants to explore more sexual things with her boyfriend. The problem? He never initiates and she doesn't want to have to be the one to always get things going. What can she do to honor this yummy horniness? Laura met her husband when she was 18 and they've been happily married for many years. He's an amazi