Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

293: Sexual attraction, gay for getting blowjobs, & cheating with a sex worker



tl;dr Can you change who you're sexually attracted to? Is someone gay for getting blowjobs from a guy? Is it OK to cheat with a sex worker?   Patrons who support at $3 and above, this week's bonus is several Am I The Asshole posts over at I want to know who you think is an asshole and who isn't, so come join me for some laughs and share your thoughts about these predicaments. Also, I love your emails. Send your questions my way! You can use the contact form at   We start by talking about the importance of treating sex workers with respect and we talk a little about a piece in The Guardian about self-care. Head to for the link. I love what it's offering about the ways self-care has been co-opted and what communal care can look like.   Then it's on to your questions.   First up, Q just got their masters degree and through grad school put on some weight. Their partner of 6 years told them they aren't as sexually attracted to them now because o