How Rude! The Full House Podcast

153. Taking the Plunge



Bo Durham is a master of confectionary creations and his redneck wedding is going to knock your socks off (because no one wears socks to a redneck wedding). He's an honest to God Wizard of Oz ruby red gem and we're so glad he joined us to discuss "Taking the Plunge". DJ didn't get into Stanford and she's bummed. Kimmy didn't get into a single school she applied to and she's genuinely depressed. Everyone cares about DJ, no one gives a genuine shit about Kimmy (not really). It is in this moment Kimmy finally realizes what she needs to employ, and that's straight up fucking Emotional Blackmail. Disturbing? Yes. Effective? God yes. Meanwhile, Brandon has thoughts on Hotel Transylvania 2, runts, and Frankenstein mice. You know, the usual shit Brandon has rolling around in his Brandon brain. YOU KNOW. XOXO