How Rude! The Full House Podcast

155. Leap of Faith



Will Biby (proud cat owner and former resident of Mulkeytown, IL) is our penultimate guest, which means he had to sit down and watch a particularly tiresome retread of an episode known as "Leap of Faith". Remember the what has to be nearly a dozen episodes in which Jesse worries about losing his mojo? Remember how in every single one of them he learns family is more important than risking your life for a cheap thrill? Well, now Becky gets to learn that lesson. Except, no, in this instance she learns that taking a risk can be exhilarating, especially when the person you love is right there beside you. But also ... Jesse is a sexist asshole who shouldn't enforce double standards on his wife. And also ... fuck it, God almighty just fuck it. Michelle is soy excited about seeing the Counting Cows in concert, the twins are flushing anything they can get their salty sodium hands on, and Joey cannot stop eating. Don't worry, we take more than a bit of time up top to discuss the menu and oppressive work culture of El