Art Of Meaningful Work

54. How To Create Future Business & Career Pivots



[Part 2 of 5] What can you do now to plant the seeds for future opportunities and career pivots. In this episode, we touch on a talk by Steve Jobs and how "making dots" intentionally is the best way to create the scaffolding for your future career and business possibilities.   Some quick highlights from this episode:   * What can you do now to set yourself up for a future career pivot. * How LSD, yoga teachers, and calligraphy influenced Apple. * How to use your interests and passions to create future business opportunities. * You have 30,000 days of life to live. What will you do with your time? * Growth happens at the edge of our comfort zone. * Bring awareness and intentionality to your activities now, to create a better future later.   — Hello, I’m Ernest. I'm an executive coach, and I focus on supporting innovative leaders. The work we do helps leaders confidently navigate uncertainty, clearly communicate their vision, lead with authenticity, and catalyze change. We use executive coaching and strategy f