Wellness Smart Radio

EP#114 - Two Causes of Chronic Illnesses



In the past 14 years, I been studying why the does the human body create disease... Why does the body create illness? Through my chiropractic education, extensive hours at various workshops and my never ending thirst to learn more and dive deeper into science and health from a view, not just medical, not just chiropractically, not just holistic, not just vitalistic but also energetic and much more. What I have learned is there are two main reasons why we see illness in a human being... In this podcast, I will be sharing what those two things are, what kind of model of health do we have in the US and understand what you are choosing when picking one model vs the other. Tune in below! --------------------------------------------------- Get Connected with Dr. Vic Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrVicManzo Instagram: www.Instagram.com/DrVicManzo LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com/in/DrManzo Parler: www.parler.com/profile/DrVicManzo YouTube: Bit.Ly/38QULv91a