Ask Altucher

Ep 320: What is the Difference Between School and Real Life?



In school, in order to get an "A" you have to get 90% of the questions right. But in business, if you make just 50% of your decisions correctly, you're an "A+" leader. Do most of you really need to learn trigonometry, algebra or geometry? Why to they keep teaching this to everyone? Real life business is about strategy, persuasion, and writing. Writing is a critical skill to learn, but most schools never spend enough time focusing on it. Instead, students read Shakespeare and Homer and write reports on historical subjects. Listen to today's episode and let us know the last time you "square rooted" something. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?   A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,