Jd Blu

Wrinkle In Time & Stranger 2 Reviews, Week of Movies, Q&A (JD-Blu Podcast)



Listen to the audio version on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/j... Welcome to the next phase of our podcast endeavors, trying out a different format with different mics and a set-up. We may go another route in the future but hopefully this works out. Introduction- Reading comments form previous video and talking about the last week. (10 Min) Movie Reviews: Jonathan reviews Disney's latest blockbuster A Wrinkle In Time and Nathan & Spencer talk about the new horror sequel Strangers: Prey at Night. Reccomendations: All Netflix choices from the gang, two TV shows and a movie for you all the check out. The Week of Movies: All 3 of us go down the line and talk about the movies we all watched within the last 7 days. Hopefully this gives us an opportunity to talk about a wide variety of movies that wouldn't ever get the light of day. Conclusion: Upcoming movies we may try to check out for the next podcast and see if we can get around it it. If you have any questions make you sure you leave a c