Enrollment Management Round Table Podcast

Podcast #44: Enrollment During High Employment Conditions: How to adapt to today’s education market



Your pool of leads could be shrinking, and fast. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States unemployment was just 3.9% in April. If your marketing is focused on people looking for work, then you need to take another look at today’s education market. In this episode, the Enrollment Resources Panel explores alternative ways to fill your Career School’s lead funnel when it seems like everyone already has a job. In this radio talk show-style presentation, you will learn how to: - Appeal to people who are working but unhappy in their current situation - Prepare your school for the imminent shift in student demographics - Identify leakage points in your Enrollment Management funnel and recover the prospects who have fallen through - Leverage employers’ Human Resources teams to reverse-engineer demand for graduates - And other important topics! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to ensure your school’s strategy and offerings reflect the current market and increase your lead generation b