
#84: How You Can Help World Peace



You can actually help the world. In a very real way. A few months ago, I was re-reading one of my favorite books, A Return to Love, when a line stood out to me. She wrote, "Angry people cannot create a more peaceful world." Angry people cannot create a more peaceful world. And let's pause for a second here. Anger is often rooted in oppression, and I am writing from a place of immense privilege. So, my white and straight and economically-advantaged and able-bodied friends, this one is for y'all.  If you want to create a more peaceful world, it starts by doing the work on yourself. This is work like: Clearing judgments of yourself and the people around you. If you are judging them, you do not have time to love them. Removing your self-doubt and laying a foundation for self-respect so that you can move into the world and actually do things. Filling your own cup so that you can turn around and be sincerely generous with the world around you. Yeah. Do those things. That's a part of your contribution to world