Design Your Success Podcast

#80- 5 Wellness Tips To Manage Stress



Flying can be fun. Until we experience frightening turbulences that make us grip the seat handles and whisper a prayer. As I often say, life is like a journey, and can we both agree it's not always clear blue skies and smooth sailing? But just like there are instructions on what to do in the event of danger on a flight, so too in life, there are things we can pro-actively do to be better prepared for the storms of life. I don't know about you, but personally, I've never actually had to put on an oxygen mask on a flight. Should it ever happen, it would be interesting to observe how many of us stay calm and how many freak out like we often tend to do in unexpected stressful situations. Paying attention to the flight attendant during the safety instructions could be a deciding factor between panicking and freaking out or staying calm and helping others. But the truth it's easy to tune out during monotonous safety instructions because "we know all that already." I've been guilty many a time... And so it is with w