Stansberry Investor Hour

The Biggest Hurdle for Entrepreneurs



Shortly after they exchanged hellos, an old friend of Dan's enthusiastically told him about all the money he's made in penny stocks. And what he said next pretty much stopped Dan in his tracks... On this week's rant, Dan takes a look at the continued rise of risky speculations in the markets... and gives some advice for anyone still dabbling in them. Then Dan invites economist Per Bylund in for a conversation about a topic not often discussed on the show. Per is Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Records-Johnson Professor of Free Enterprise in the School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University. His research focuses on issues of entrepreneurship, strategic management and organizational economics, especially where they overlap with regulation and policy. Per explains how the long term effects of regulation are easy to ignore because they are often unseen. But if we want as prosperous a world as possible, we should all pull our head out of the sand and begin to pay attention. Dan and Per also