Nl Sketchnoting, Graphic Recording & Visual Thinking

006 Natalia Talkowska | NLSGRVT Podcast



Welcome to the NL Sketchnoting, Graphic Recording, and Visual Thinking podcast where we celebrate the lives and work of visual thinkers and allow them to showcase things they are enthusiastic about! Today, I'm talking to Natalia Talkovska. Natalia is founder and owner of Natalka Design. She helps people tell their stories in creative new ways and gives them the tools to turn their communications upside down and make a lasting impact. Those tools include live sketchting, sketchnoting, videos, visual facilitation, training, and yes, even in-person consulting. Now, that is just her day-job. By night, when she's not out dancing semi professional, she furthers the cause of doodling by running a worldwide network of Doodleledo's, meetings where people that think they can't draw find out they actually can, and meet a bunch of like-minded awesome people in the process. You'll leave there with friends, not business cards. Want to learn more about Natalia? Check out her online presence: h