Financial Wellness Show - Improve The Health And Wealth Of Your Money

A Sure-Fire Strategy To Upgrade Cars With Cash - FWS019



How to drive and pay cash for a $15,000 car in 4 years.  How rich would we be if we stopped driving? The concept was featured in a recent article on and posed the question “What is a car really costing you?” A car is a necessity to get around on your own schedule instead of waiting for a bus or call Uber to  pick you up. The cost of operating a vehicle in the United States, as exemplified in the article, was estimated to be over $7,000 a year - and that does not include car or lease payments if you don’t buy the car straight-out: Depreciation $3,571 Gas $2,168 Insurance $1,029 Repairs $745 Coach Kim joins me in today’s episode to explain how we can cut more than $3,000 in depreciation costs and save enough money to trade up in car every year. This process could lead a struggling full-time commuter to purchase a $15,000 with cash in 48 months.