Financial Wellness Show - Improve The Health And Wealth Of Your Money

We need to talk - Having the hard conversations about death and disability - FWS020



Preparing a loved one for our eventual departure from this planet is never a pleasant conversation - but it is one of great importance. What will the household budget look like if we pass away? Is life insurance necessary and, if so, is it the right kind of insurance? Are the living arrangements condusive for physical disabilities? What about Long Term Care Insurance?   Coach Becky has seen some of her clients lose a spouse. She gives the example of a husband with cancer that assured his wife she would be okay because he had $200,000 in life insurance. What they didn’t realize was the policy was an Accidental Death policy. Cancer is not accidental so she did not receive a payout when he passed away. Another consideration is managing a disability or parent who needs assisted care. Does one move into a different house with fewer stairs or can fit a wheelchair through the doorways? What about living in an apartment to elevate much of the maintenance responsibilities. A budget can be busted if one spouse goes i