Devops Days Podcast

Rolling Boulders Forever Uphill - DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes, AWS and Custom Slackbots - DevOpsDays DC - 2017



In Greek Mythology, the Gods cursed Sisyphus to spend eternity rolling a large boulder to the top of a mountain, where it would fall back of its own weight. In DevOps, we're forever rolling boulders uphill. We're making deploys faster, cheaper, smoother, and quicker. And once the boulder reaches the mountain top, the engineers rearchitect the application and the the process begins again. At Upside Travel, Slack is our central command hub. We run our full operations through Slack ChatOps. Engineers request code reviews, product managers examine tickets, and the Slack-integrated NOC works slack-alerted events. We also manage our full continuous integration and deployment process through a custom Slackbot named, aptly, for the DevOps Greek hero, Sisyphus. Sisyphus's simple promote command hides a complex dance of builds, tests, promotion, deployment and management. Upside combines Github, CircleCI, Artifactory, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes and AWS to deploy code from nothing to something in 3 minutes and it tak