Dc's Legends Of Tomorrow Talk Podcast - Dclegends Talk

DC LEGENDS Talk Podcast #22 - S 2 Ep 5 COMPROMISED



In 1987, Eobard Thawne offers Damien Darhk an alliance, which Darhk declines. Aboard the Waverider, Nate discovers an aberration in 1987 involving the INF treaty signing. The team infiltrates the White House as tourists and find Darhk there as one of the treaty negotiators. Sara again attempts to kill him, which alerts White House security and forces the team to make a very public escape. They soon learn that Darhk is making his own secret deal with the KGB. Returning to the White House during a State dinner, they discover him making an exchange with KGB agents for a box with an unknown item. The team defeat Darhk's men and the Russians. Sara confronts Darhk, but spares his life. Instead, she reveals his future to torture him: his master plan's failure, his wife's murder, and his own eventual death. Eobard whisks Darhk away, but not before Sara steals the box from him. She realizes the team is up against a time-travelling speedster. Unnerved by Sara's revelation, Darhk insists on teaming up with Eobard, and t