Fail To Learn: Teaching Stories From Business, Sales, Marketing, Coaching, Blogging, Freelance, & Entrepreneurs.

FtL 41: Personal Training Business Setback Leads To Technology Breakthrough with David Pitts



If you’re a personal trainer, coach, consultant, manager of a team, how do you keep in contact with your clients or employees? How can you make it personal and keep them accountable? That’s the question David Pitts faced in his personal training business. As his business grew he lost his ability to manually deliver personal messages on a larger scale. And that was the catalyst for his business, Off Day Trainer Here’s what guest and I discuss: How David started his personal training business 15 years ago. Why it was easy for him to deliver value during the client session but hard to keep them on track when he wasn’t there. What he did manually to keep them on track. How he was able to keep in contact with clients after the training session. Why he wanted to keep in contact after the training session, and how it increased client renewals. Why text messages is the fastest way to connect with clients. Why he felt relief when clients would cancel their sessions. He had to figure out how to provide the best experi