Pastor John Farley - Lighthouse Bible Church Podcast

Five barley loaves and two fish.



John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, July 18, 2021 Five barley loaves and two fish Joh 6:1-13 Chapter 6 follows the same sequence that chapter 5 did: miracles (6:1-25), followed by controversial teaching (6:26-58). "after these things" meta tauta an unspecified amount of time passes. healings recorded in Mar 1:23-34, Luk 7:1-17, 8:26-56, as well as in Matthew. The events in Luk 6:1-9:9 occur in the gap between Joh 5:47 and Joh 6:1. All four gospels record this miracle of feeding 5,000 men with 5 loaves and two fish. This miracle is also recorded in Mat 14:13-20, Mar 6:30-43, and Luk 9:10-17. The miracle took place in a desolate place near the city of Bethsaida. (Mar 6:35, Luk 9:10) Joh 6:2-3 The crowds were following Jesus because of the signs He was... for full notes: