

In this episode, we chat with "Doberman Dan", Dan Gallapoo. Dan has gone through more disasters and failures than most people do in a lifetime, yet has figured out a way to "get up" over and over again. We talk about what it means to be a REAL entrepreneur, how to continue to push forward when everything around you is crumbling, and much more. This is a must-listen! Resources Mentioned Transcript Jeremy Reeves: Hey what is going on guys and girls. Jeremy Reeves here with another episode of The Sales Funnel Mastery Podcast. I am saying my own title wrong. And today I have on the line, a good buddy of mine. His name is Doberman Dan. If you guys have been around you may or may not have heard his name. He is a little bit of an underground kind of guy, a little bit how I am and he likes it that way. He likes to do things to himself in the dark. Dan is -- he is basically the true definition of a kitchen-table entrepreneur you know and that is kind of what we are going to talk about today is you know