Sales Hacks For Startup Hustlers

Zainab Allawala, Help Scout: Resources and FAQs on Diversity & Inclusion



CLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, Account Executive, @rebeccatluo Listen: iTunes, Soundcloud, & your favorite podcast app Watch: YouTube Zainab Allawala ( is a Customer Success Account Executive at Help Scout ( Zainab worked as a Strategic Account Executive at Survey Monkey and as an SMB Account Executive at Asana. She’s also previously worked as a recruiting coordinator for the Fellow Coordinator, at Facebook, and Google. Episode Highlights: How Zainab's political sciences studies shaped her curiosity in understanding what makes people tick in recruiting and sales How we can ensure accountability in order to be effective at diversity and inclusion? How to ensure that diversity and inclusivity is not just a vanity metric, and just not a photo-op? Resources: “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do (Issues of Our Tim