Stella Culinary School

SCS 068 | Gnocchi by Feel + Anova Combi-Oven Review



In this episode, I give a step by step breakdown of how to make gnocchi by feel, instead of using a recipe, whether it's potato, ricotta, or pumpkin. Then I review Anova's new Combi Oven, also known to the nerd's as the APO (Anova Precision Cooker). There's a lot to like, but a few things that can be improved upon as well. Is it worth $600? You've gotta listen to find out ... that's kinda the whole purpose of this podcast thing ... I mean, if I gave you all the info in the podcast description, then I may as well write a blog post, but then I'd be a blogger, and ya'll know how I feel about food writers, so yeah ... I'm just gonna stop here and let you listen to the podcast. I promise you'll like it. Money back guarantee!