Beauty And Da Beast Podcast W/ Joey Diaz And Felicia Michaels

Quick As You Can, Snatch The Pebble From My Hand - Episode 99 w/ Little Esther aka Esther Povitsky



MadFlavor: Close your eyes, what do you hear grasshopper? Lil' Esther: I hear a drunk in the corner, and the other comics in the back waiting to go on. MadFlavor: Do you hear your own hearbeat? Esther: No. MadFlavor: Do you hear the laughter which is at your feet?Esther: Madflavor, how is it that you hear these things?MadFlavor: Cuz' I've been doing it long enough C*CKSUCKER!!! Hooray! Comic and all around sweet girl, Lil' Esther joins us for a roundtable discussion about loving your life as a stand up comic.