Reiki Unleashed Podcast

Blooming Our Consciousness



Changes in Motion...We have landed in our New Home Base!! Mu/Maui join me at the base of Haleakela deeply inspiring expansive connection shifting our consciousness activating global consciousness shifts transforming victim /perpetrator dance into empowered mastery. No longer willing to be prey to any perpetration drama /trauma, taking our power back and placing it in rightful place within us and our Source! Through such mastery we are activating infinite blessings out of every challenge, crisis, tragedy. The power then lies within you and your Source rather than in any other individual, entity, group etc we discover that we are no longer victim to any challenge but rather empowered to catalyze great change, growth, blessings out of every challenge blooming our consciousness to a place of mastery and co creating with our true Source close with a deeply healing meditation/visualization inspired by the expansive rich landscape and nourishing gifts of Maui and Mother Earth