Ugly Talk

Episode 11 - Final Fantasy XV, Punch Club, and Remixing



Hello Internet, and welcome back to Ugly Talk.  In our first episode of 2017, we're discussing patterns in media remixing and creation by examining and comparing some very different video games.  Namely, we are comparing Punch Club, an early 2016 mobile fight manager simulator with a number of very goofy themes, to the more recently released Final Fantasy XV, a AAA multi-hour JRPG that wears its previous influences on its sleeve.  In our discussion, we break down the ideas of parody, bricolage, pastiche, homage, and plagiarism and how to consider taking elements from other media to remix into your own games. Media Discussed in this Episode: Punch Club Final Fantasy XV If you want to follow us on social media: Travis' Twitter Matt's Twitter The Podcast Twitter