Game Change: Business Of Massage Therapy

99: Strategies for a Long and Successful Career



“Many in the massage industry don’t have long, successful careers.” Have you heard this statement before? While it may be true of some, we know that some massage therapists DO have long careers, practicing for 10-15 years or more. So how do they do it? What makes the difference? Let’s talk about some ways to put yourself on the winning side of this battle.  Strategies for a Long, Successful Career in Massage Therapy: It all comes down to self-care! Take care of yourself first, so you can help others Self-care isn’t just about eating and resting well, but it’s about surrounding yourself with those who support you Be grounded. Don’t be overwhelmed with the emotional energy of others Be mindful of your posture, and take time after each client to rebalance yourself mentally and emotionally Keep a balanced workload. Do strength training for your core and your back. Evaluate your practices and see where you need improvement to care for yourself and ensure a long, successful career in massage therapy. It’s ano