Game Change: Business Of Massage Therapy

101: Mindful of Your Money



As professionals in the health and wellness industry, we have a tendency to limit the amount of money we think we can make. For some reason, the idea of being perceived as materialistic caretakers has sapped away our ambition. The reality is that you need money to live and enjoy your life. This is where a savings plan will come in! You need to learn how to “pay yourself,” rather than seeking after instant gratification. Success in your business does not make you a bad caregiver. We can model mindful money habits that will benefit our own wellness, as well as that of our clients! What You’ll Hear in This Episode: The strange paradox around money we encounter as health and wellness caregivers. Why it is important to save. Why it is difficult to save. How I overcame my limiting beliefs about money. It is OK to have a successful business. You need diligence and ambition to grow your business. See a financial planner!