Game Change: Business Of Massage Therapy

102: Four Steps Toward Success



How would you define success? We know that we want it, but how do we get it? We answer these questions and more in today’s episode. We all have goals of success, both personally and professionally. We try to keep these parts of our lives separate, but they are more entwined than we may realize. Personal success can reinforce and support professional success, and vice versa. Let’s chat about the secrets to success! What you’ll hear in this episode: Personal and professional success contribute to our ultimate goal of happiness How do we achieve personal and professional success, and what does it take to get there? Four Secrets to Success: Positive thoughts-Some call it mindset. Rhonda Byrne calls it “the law of attraction,” and says “All you have to do is think your life into existence.” We all know that sometimes positive thinking simply isn’t enough. Take action-Find out what you’re good at and what people turn to you for. Think about your strengths and capabilities. Be at the right place at the right time