River Of Hope Media

Love Study – Part 2



Message by Pastors Jason on Wednesday evening, January 16, 2019 Synopsis: In the Greek language, there are four words describing different types of love: Eros Love – Physical, sensual intimacy between a husband and wife. Expresses sexual, romantic attraction. Storge Love – Family affectionate love (familial love). A natural or instinctual affection, like love of a parent towards offspring and vice versa. (The opposite of storge love is astorge – without natural love) Phileo Love – Having tender affectionate love. A strong liking or strong friendship. Agape Love – A universal, unconditional, sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstance. In “Love Study – Part 2” we’ll study the greatest of these, Agape love (God’s Love) Agape Love A God kind of love, unconditional, sacrificial, not based on response and/or getting it (love) back. Its not controlled by emotions, or led by feelings or affections. A love that hold no regard to the unlovableness of another. Scriptures: Aga