Ko Sales Coach

How to Make the Best of a Bad Day



It's Like a Roller Coaster Sales is more like a roller coaster ride than a cruise....there are good times that are REALLY good and then there are bad times that seem REALLY bad. When sales are up you give yourself credit for working hard and influencing your success but when things are bad it’s easy to feel a bit out of control. On today's show discover: ...how to adjust your thinking so a few small setbacks don’t turn into a bad day; ...and tips for managing your tough days and getting back on track. Bad days happen to the best of us and it can all start before you even get to the office. You wake up late, you’re out of milk, there’s grid-lock on the road or you can’t find your favorite shirt. It doesn’t take much to send us down the wrong track toward a bad day. Put it in Perspective Whatever gets your day off on the wrong foot, it’s important to put it in perspective. You know, now matter what is happening or how bad it may seem will it matter a year from now? Will you even remember this? Most of the ti