Teleosis Institute

Advancing the Craft of Health and Wellness with Michael Arloski



Join Michael Arloski in conversation with Dr. Joel Kreisberg as they explore the benefits of Health and Wellness Coaching and its ability to  change the quality of life for those with trauma or illness. Bio: Michael Arloski, PhD, PCC, CWP,is a licensed psychologist, Professional Certified Coach (ICF) and a Certified Wellness Practitioner. Founder and CEO of Real Balance Global Wellness Services, Inc., his company has trained thousands of health and wellness coaches around the world. Dr. Arloski’s perspective on wellness coaching comes from his pioneering work training wellness and health coaches, authoring the field’s foundational book, Wellness Coaching For Lasting Lifestyle Change, 2nd Ed., and serving as an Executive Committee member of The National Consortium for Credentialing Health & Wellness Coaches.