Teleosis Institute

Narrative Healing for Embodied Change w/Reggie Marra



In September 2018 each member of the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court, the President and Vice President received a copy of Reggie Marra's Killing America: Our United States of Ignorance, Fear, Bigotry, Violence and Greed, a book of poems that explores our country's narrative of violence over a 25-year period. In this interview, which took place before the books were sent, Dr. Gary Huffaker and Reggie discuss the role of narrative in healing--how honestly owning our story(ies), and learning how to tell a truthful story that helps us heal, rather than one that keeps us stuck, are essential steps for anyone interested in personal and/or cultural healing. Bio: Reggie Marra is the Creative Director and a core faculty member at the Teleosis Institute. An educator for 40 years, he is the author of three volumes of poetry and 4 of nonfiction. He has presented his work for the National Association for Poetry Therapy, the National Speakers Association, the Spiritualty Institute at Iona College, the Transformative Lan