Tip Talk With Dr. Jennifer Degler

065 Ten Tips for Building Strong Family Bonds -- Importance of Family Dinner -- Embrace New Family Members -- Slow Down the Pace of Life -- Creating Meaning and Purpose for Your Family



If you'd like to connect more with family, in this Tip Talk episode psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares ten tips for building strong family bonds. Listen for fresh ideas on how to more deeply connect and enjoy both your immediate and extended family, as well as celebrate one another, show physical affection, and embrace new family members. You can download a free PDF of this Top Ten Tips list on her website at http://jenniferdegler.com/free-resources/. "The family that plays together stays together. Shared laughter immediately eliminates distance between people, so take a shortcut to connection by having fun together." "Make the effort to show up. We all get exactly one opportunity to be there for someone’s once in a lifetime event." "Ban screens during meal times so everyone makes eye contact and feels heard and seen. We connect with what we look at, so look at your family, not a screen." Teach your children "In this family, we celebrate one another’s joys and mourn each other’s losses, and we never do t