Every Body | Reclaiming Body Talk

Ep 03: Lose Hate Not Weight - Virgie Tovar



Download Lose Hate Not Weight with Virgie Tovar Virgie Tovar is a fierce fashionista, feminist, and fat activist. She is an expert on fat discrimination and body image, and has a Master’s in Human Sexuality with a specific focus on body size, race, and gender. She is also a writer and the founder of BabeCamp, a course designed to help people “break up” with the diet culture. Virgie joins me today to share her story of dealing with fat discrimination and body image issues. She explains how she has had to cope with body image problems and fat discrimination from people all her life – even as young as five years old. She shares how the discrimination of others, especially from boys, had started her journey and experimentation with starvation dieting, which later lead to scurvy. Virgie also shares her turning points – when she began to accept her body for what it is and accept herself for who she is, and the transformation that came from this acceptance process. She shares her thoughts and insight on why today’s