Every Body | Reclaiming Body Talk

Ep. 04: Neuroscientist explains "Why Diets Make Us Fat" - Sandra Aamodt



Download Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt Explains Why Diets Make Us Fat Every year, millions of Americans turn to diets to lose weight, but an increasing number of studies are showing that dieters are more likely to gain more weight over the next two to 15 years than those who don’t diet. Many people hear phrases like “diets don’t work” and “diets make you fat,” but rarely believe these concepts are true – until they experience it themselves. On today’s episode, I’m talking with neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt. Sandra serves on the board of The Center for Mindful Eating and is the author of the recently published book – Why Diets Make Us Fat: The Unintended Consequences of Our Obsession with Weight Loss. She joins me today to share her journey through dieting, starvation, and explains what happens in the brain when we diet. “Low fitness, smoking, high blood pressure, low income, and loneliness are better predictors of early death than obesity when considered individually.” – Sandra Aamodt This Week on the Every Bo