Every Body | Reclaiming Body Talk

Ep. 05: Body Postive Instagram Celebrity - Megan Crabbe



  Body Positive Instagram Celebrity Megan Crabbe CONTENT WARNING: Eating disorder behavior and weight conversation. My guest today is Megan Crabbe. Megan is an Instagram body positivity celebrity working to address the body negativity issues through her Instagram account. Former anorexic and self-loather, Megan is passionate about debunking the myths and lies within the diet industry. She joins me on the show today to share her personal journey through body positivity and eating disorders. She shares the story of being admitted into the hospital due to her disorder and how she ultimately recovered from it and began feeling better about herself. We also discuss how eating disorders are strongly linked to psychological concerns and her experiences with therapy. “It's terrifying to consider dropping everything you've ever believed about food weight your body your value and think maybe I've had it wrong all these years. ” – Megan Crabbe This Week on the Every Body Podcast: How your psyche and mindset about yours