Every Body | Reclaiming Body Talk

Ep. 13: Release Food & Weight Obsession - Hilary Kinavey & Dana Sturtevant



EB013 Release Food and Weight Obsession with Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant of Be Nourished  Hilary Kinavey, MS, Licensed Professional Counselor and Dana Sturtevant, MS, Registered Dietician are the founders of Be Nourished, founded on the idea that people are born with remarkable instincts to love and care for their bodies. They believe "Body Trust® is a birthright. Our passion is helping people lose the weight of body shame to create the change they seek from a deeper place."   With Hilary’s counseling expertise and Dana’s insightful dietitian skills, we talk about some current events like celebrity diet culture, and a disturbing new research study. We also discuss the importance of pleasure and embodiment. Part of the work they do in the world is helping people reconnect to their bodies, both in the pleasure of movement  and eating.     "Be aware of what triggers the dieting mind."  ~Be Nourished    This Week on the Every Body Podcast:  Dangers of research studies that connect weight loss and eating d